Tab2Pdf Testing Documentation

EECS 2311
V. Tzerpos
Wednesday, April 7, 2015

Group 1
Atto, Brody
Cirillo, Marco
Patel, Deep
Ragavendran, Varsha
Sitiugin, Glib
Sitkovets, Anton

Testing Methodology

Since Tab2Pdf is built using the agile software development method, we opt to incorporate Test Driven Development into our sprints. When a group member commits code to the repository (via a pull request), the corresponding test cases are also included. This can be seen as a “bottom up” approach to testing, as the foundations of the software are tested as they are built.

Locally, when a member is working on a new feature, stub methods for the feature are made first, followed by test cases. These test cases are meant to fail, since no code was written yet. As the developer builds out the code in the former stub methods, tests begin to pass, and the software is assured to work correctly.

In our tests, we supply a minimum of 5 valid inputs and 5 invalid inputs to each test case. Examples of valid input were taken straight from the sample files on the course website. Invalid input was created by malforming the valid input, such as adding characters that were not valid (%), making spelling mistakes (ATHOR= instead of AUTHOR=).

This document will detail the specific methods in our JUnit test files, their importance to the overall operation of the code, and the metrics of our testing.

Testing Sufficiency

We believe fully testing the models and parsers are sufficient because they represent the business logic of this program. These classes are responsible for the bulk of what Tab2PDF does, and as such, should be thoroughly tested.

The GUI could have been tested with Java’s Robot class, but we opted for manual testing, since the GUI is rather simplistic (and Sun thoroughly tests Swing code, so we know we have a solid foundation).

Util classes are also untested, as they are simple functions.

The PDF classes PdfHelper and PdfCreator are untested because there is difficulty in comparing PDF documents. This is because two documents can be rendered differently in different PDF viewers, so it is tough to gauge which viewer is the truly correct (ie: the oracle).

Test Classes

IParser Test Classes

There are two methods we test in all parsers (classes that implement IParser). The first of which is canParse(String token) which returns true if the parser can parse the given token into an ITabNotation object. The ITabNotation object represents a single piece of the tab, such as a note, slide, dash or hammer-on. The second method we test is the parse(String token) method, which actually parses the token and returns an ITabNotation object, throwing a ParseException if the token cannot be parsed. If canParse() returns true, it is expected that parse() will not throw a ParseException.

This class tests the programs ability to parse a dash (-) in tab notation. A dash signifies a space between notes. The more dashes there are in a row, the longer the space should be. For valid lines, we ensure the line begins with at least one dash. For invalid lines, we put characters that are not dashes at the beginning of the line, such as |, 1, ||, _, and %.

This class tests the programs ability to parse a repeat bar, which has a few forms:

Standard Repeat Bar

This should render as a regular repeat bar

||- ... -||
||- ... -||
||* ... *||
||* ... *||
||- ... -||
||- ... -||
Repeat Bar with a Specified Number of Repeats

This should render as a repeat bar with “Repeat 3 Times” at the top of it

||- ... -|3
||- ... -||
||* ... *||
||* ... *||
||- ... -||
||- ... -||

A repeat bar signifies a bar should repeat (an optional amount of times). For valid lines, we ensure the line begins with at least one type of repeat bar. For invalid lines, we put characters that are not valid repeat bars at the beginning of the line, such as -, 1, **||, -|, and |.

This class tests the programs ability to parse a note (3) in tab notation. A note signifies a musical note. Valid notes should be between 0 and 24 inclusive, as most guitars have a maximum of 24 frets. For valid lines, we ensure the line begins with at least one number. For invalid lines, we put characters that are not numbers at the beginning of the line, such as |, -, ||, _, and %.

This class tests the programs ability to parse a slide (3s5) in tab notation. A slide signifies a slide between musical notes. The slide must have at least one start note or end note. A slide is considered indeterminate if it does not have both a start and end note (s4), and it is up to the musician to determine where to begin the slide from. Valid slides should have valid notes between 0 and 24 inclusive, as most guitars have a maximum of 24 frets. For valid lines, we ensure the line begins with at least one number or a slide (s). For invalid lines, we put characters that are not numbers at the beginning of the line, such as |, -, ||, 12, and %.

This class tests the programs ability to parse a spacing attribute (SPACING=1) in tab notation. A spacing signifies the horizontal spacing the PDF output should follow. A higher spacing value creates more space between notes. For valid lines, we ensure the line begins with at least (case-insensitive) SPACING=N, where N is any integer or decimal number. For invalid lines, we put characters that are not numbers or misspell/shorthand SPACING, such as SPACING=, SPACING=A, |--, 0--|, and S=1.

This class tests the programs ability to parse a square note (<2>) in tab notation. A square note signifies a harmonic should be played. For valid lines, we ensure the line begins with at least <N>, where N is any integer. For invalid lines, we put characters that are not numbers in angle brackets, such as |, -, 1, 23, and %.

This class tests the programs ability to parse a title attribute (SUBTITLE=Moonlight Sonata) in tab notation. A title signifies the subtitle of the tab (typically the author). For valid lines, we ensure the line begins with at least (case-insensitive) SUBTITLE=S, where S is any string. For invalid lines, we put empty strings as the title or misspell/shorthand TITLE, such as TITLE=, T=A, SUBTITLE=, Jim Matheos, and S=A.

This class tests the programs ability to parse an entire tab file (Moonlight Sonata) into tab notation. The tab file includes title, subtitle, and spacing attributes as well as the entire tab.

This class tests the programs ability to parse a title attribute (TITLE=Jim Matheos) in tab notation. A title signifies the title of the tab. For valid lines, we ensure the line begins with at least (case-insensitive) TITLE=S, where S is any string. For invalid lines, we put empty strings as the title or misspell/shorthand TITLE, such as TITLE=, T=A, SUBTITLE=, Remembering Rain, and S=A.

ITabNotation Test Classes

These test classes test all of our model objects (those that implement ITabNotation). These represent each symbol that we support in tab notation.

This class fully tests the BarLine class (representing a line in a Bar), including mutator methods (getters and setters) and equals.

This class fully tests the Bar class (representing a musical Bar), including mutator methods (getters and setters) and equals.

This class fully tests the DoubleBar class (representing a repeating Bar), including mutator methods (getters and setters) and equals.

This class fully tests the HammerOn class (representing a musical hammer on such as 3h5), including mutator methods (getters and setters) and equals.

This class fully tests the HammerOn class (representing a musical pull off such as 5p3), including mutator methods (getters and setters) and equals.

This class fully tests the Scaling class (representing tab vertical scaling, such as SCALING=5.0), including mutator methods (getters and setters) and equals.

This class fully tests the Spacing class (representing tab horizontal spacing, such as SPACING=5.0), including mutator methods (getters and setters) and equals.

This class fully tests the SquareNote class (representing a harmonic Note), including mutator methods (getters and setters) and equals.

This class fully tests the Subtitle class (representing the tab’s subtitle such as SUBTITLE=Ludwig van Beethoven), including mutator methods (getters and setters) and equals.

This class fully tests the Tab class (representing the ASCII musical tab as a whole), including mutator methods (getters and setters) and equals.

This class fully tests the Title class (representing the tab’s title such as TITLE=Moonlight Sonata), including mutator methods (getters and setters) and equals.

Coverage and Metrics

Code coverage is grouped by package. Our focus is on 100% method coverage in model and parser classes. We chose not to perform automated testing of the GUI, instead opting for manual testing.


This table showcases the testing coverage for our model classes.

Class Class % Method % Line %
Bar 100% (1/ 1) 100% (18/ 18) 92.9% (39/ 42)
BarLine 100% (1/ 1) 100% (7/ 7) 100% (15/ 15)
Dash 100% (1/ 1) 100% (8/ 8) 100% (13/ 13)
DoubleBar 100% (1/ 1) 100% (13/ 13) 84.6% (44/ 52)
HammerOn 100% (1/ 1) 100% (13/ 13) 92.9% (26/ 28)
Note 100% (1/ 1) 100% (10/ 10) 90.5% (19/ 21)
Pipe 100% (1/ 1) 100% (7/ 7) 100% (8/ 8)
PullOff 100% (1/ 1) 100% (13/ 13) 92.9% (26/ 28)
Scaling 100% (1/ 1) 100% (10/ 10) 100% (18/ 18)
Slide 100% (1/ 1) 100% (12/ 12) 93.9% (31/ 33)
Spacing 100% (1/ 1) 100% (10/ 10) 100% (18/ 18)
SquareNote 100% (1/ 1) 100% (9/ 9) 89.5% (17/ 19)
Subtitle 100% (1/ 1) 100% (10/ 10) 100% (17/ 17)
Tab 100% (1/ 1) 100% (17/ 17) 100% (33/ 33)
Title 100% (1/ 1) 100% (10/ 10) 100% (17/ 17)


This table showcases the testing coverage for our parser classes.

Class Class % Method % Line %
AbstractParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (2/ 2) 100% (2/ 2)
DashParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (4/ 4) 100% (7/ 7)
DoubleBarParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (4/ 4) 92.9% (26/ 28)
HammerOnParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (4/ 4) 87.5% (7/ 8)
NoteParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (4/ 4) 100% (7/ 7)
PipeParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (4/ 4) 100% (7/ 7)
PullOffParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (4/ 4) 87.5% (7/ 8)
SlideParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (4/ 4) 100% (9/ 9)
SpacingParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (4/ 4) 85.7% (6/ 7)
SquareNoteParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (4/ 4) 100% (7/ 7)
SubtitleParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (4/ 4) 85.7% (6/ 7)
TabParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (11/ 11) 76.8% (96/ 125)
TitleParser 100% (1/ 1) 100% (4/ 4) 85.7% (6/ 7)


This table showcases the testing coverage for our entire program, grouped by package.

Class Class % Method % Line %
ca.yorku.cse2311.tab2pdf 0% (0/ 3) 0% (0/ 16) 0% (0/ 57)
ca.yorku.cse2311.tab2pdf.model 100% (15/ 15) 100% (167/ 167) 94.2% (341/ 362)
ca.yorku.cse2311.tab2pdf.parser 100% (13/ 13) 100% (57/ 57) 84.3% (193/ 229)
ca.yorku.cse2311.tab2pdf.parser.exception 33.3% (1/ 3) 33.3% (1/ 3) 33.3% (2/ 6)
ca.yorku.cse2311.tab2pdf.pdf 50% (1/ 2) 47.2% (17/ 36) 45.3% (131/ 289)
ca.yorku.cse2311.tab2pdf.ui 0% (0/ 2) 0% (0/ 26) 0% (0/ 86)
ca.yorku.cse2311.tab2pdf.ui.component 0% (0/ 6) 0% (0/ 55) 0% (0/ 244)
ca.yorku.cse2311.tab2pdf.ui.listener 0% (0/ 12) 0% (0/ 32) 0% (0/ 129)
ca.yorku.cse2311.tab2pdf.util 0% (0/ 4) 0% (0/ 14) 0% (0/ 45)